Someone once sang love is a battlefield...this is not true for me it is my own mind that is my battlefield in which I wage wars against myself daily because, not to be cliché, I am my own worst enemy.


Love (unfinished)

I need to redefine my definition of love. Love is still what happens. It is an action without true measure. What I must redefine is the love between you and your life partner or partners whatever the case may be. First, I must break a few ideas that have been poured into us all of our lives. True love does not mean that they are your everything that my friends is obsession. They are not supposed to complete you, you must be whole in and of your selves for this partnership to work successfully. That insane automatic attraction is a rush of chemicals and a rush of lust neither of which a real relationship can be built upon. You don't need to want to be with them always they just need to be the person you turn to in good times and bad who will stand with you and let you stand with them. Real love means loving people for their faults, quirks, and weaknesses.
I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats