Someone once sang love is a battlefield...this is not true for me it is my own mind that is my battlefield in which I wage wars against myself daily because, not to be cliché, I am my own worst enemy.


i think i might be getting better ^.^

so i've seen my counselor twice now and i really like her. my schedule is so crazy this month though. i finally found my old journal/sketch book, which makes me so happy ^.^ it really help to have things where i can write and draw again. i'm trying not to rush myself, if i can learn that i'll be doing lots better. it will all get done. my two affirmation statements that my counselor gave me to say are:

"I am open and receptive to new avenues of income"


"I now receive my good from expected and unexpected sources. I am an unlimited being, accepting from an unlimited source, in an unlimited way. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams."

i like those two statements, so i thought i'd share them. ^.^
I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats