pessimistic today
bureaucratic bullshit....that's the bane of my existence. i hate it, i don't deal with it well. the "we always done it this way, this is the process and that's what we stick by" is wrong, there's always a new way to do things, oh and by the way "everyone has to vote to make it better" in other words more bureaucratic bullshit. i think that's why i hate politics, i don't even pay attention to it anymore i just ignore it cause the only way you can change it is "voting" cause that can't be tampered with or to become a part of it, and because you don't play their games you'll never be high enough in the ranks to really change any thing. i hate it, i hate how it's all about someone agenda to have power, not to help others like should be the purpose of anyone in an office of any sort of power. it should never be about the power it should be about the people...never is though cause we humans can't think about anything but ourselves, that's what we do we're selfish and no one can learn or not be selfish with out going to far the other way and giving of themselves too much. we don't know how to balance...everything in moderation...we don't ever understand that phrase. we never pay attention to it. so in conclusion life is bureaucratic bullshit. go live on an island so you don't have to deal, or just learn that people are human and wither they try to or not they will be selfish someway or another.
9:57:00 AM

I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats