in pain but looking forward
today i have a blinding headache literally almost. you know how in anime, cartoons, tv shows, and movies sometimes there will be someone who get hit right above the eye and blood starts flowing. that's the way my headache feels today like there's a stabbing pain over my right eye and it's flowing down the side of my head and partial obscuring the view of my right eye. my right eye feels numb, and i'm in a lot of pain. but oh well today i get to meet with my counselor for the first time. i'm looking forward to meeting her, and talking with her, it's a first step toward getting better and back on track with my life. that's important to me and necessary. i'm having a hard time thinking though with the pain and all, it's one of my high pain levels that's no help to me ones that make every sense but taste a pain. meh, even breathing hurts when i'm like this. i would say i don't normally complain about the pain but when it's like this i do and i'm typing because focus on something hurts but it doesn't let me focus on the pain so it makes it better in some ways. hopefully the medicine i took this morning...well excedrin will kick in here in a second or two. well that's really all i have for now, i'm in pain but i'm sort of excited to meet with my new counselor this afternoon! ^.^
10:59:00 AM

I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats