in pain but looking forward
today i have a blinding headache literally almost. you know how in anime, cartoons, tv shows, and movies sometimes there will be someone who get hit right above the eye and blood starts flowing. that's the way my headache feels today like there's a stabbing pain over my right eye and it's flowing down the side of my head and partial obscuring the view of my right eye. my right eye feels numb, and i'm in a lot of pain. but oh well today i get to meet with my counselor for the first time. i'm looking forward to meeting her, and talking with her, it's a first step toward getting better and back on track with my life. that's important to me and necessary. i'm having a hard time thinking though with the pain and all, it's one of my high pain levels that's no help to me ones that make every sense but taste a pain. meh, even breathing hurts when i'm like this. i would say i don't normally complain about the pain but when it's like this i do and i'm typing because focus on something hurts but it doesn't let me focus on the pain so it makes it better in some ways. hopefully the medicine i took this morning...well excedrin will kick in here in a second or two. well that's really all i have for now, i'm in pain but i'm sort of excited to meet with my new counselor this afternoon! ^.^
10:59:00 AM

pessimistic today
bureaucratic bullshit....that's the bane of my existence. i hate it, i don't deal with it well. the "we always done it this way, this is the process and that's what we stick by" is wrong, there's always a new way to do things, oh and by the way "everyone has to vote to make it better" in other words more bureaucratic bullshit. i think that's why i hate politics, i don't even pay attention to it anymore i just ignore it cause the only way you can change it is "voting" cause that can't be tampered with or to become a part of it, and because you don't play their games you'll never be high enough in the ranks to really change any thing. i hate it, i hate how it's all about someone agenda to have power, not to help others like should be the purpose of anyone in an office of any sort of power. it should never be about the power it should be about the people...never is though cause we humans can't think about anything but ourselves, that's what we do we're selfish and no one can learn or not be selfish with out going to far the other way and giving of themselves too much. we don't know how to balance...everything in moderation...we don't ever understand that phrase. we never pay attention to it. so in conclusion life is bureaucratic bullshit. go live on an island so you don't have to deal, or just learn that people are human and wither they try to or not they will be selfish someway or another.
9:57:00 AM

so today i'm not so emo...
i'm doing really well today...right now. i actually got some sleep last night i suppose that helps and we cleaned some last night so that helps too. strange how the little things are what changes our outlook on life sometimes.
"Being happy isn't having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe it's about stringing together all the little things like wearing these pants or getting to a new level of Dragon's Slayer - making those count for more than the bad stuff. Maybe we just get through it... and that's all we can ask for."
-Jenna Boyd as Bailey in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
That quote holds true for me most days. I've struggled lately with what i believe and it's hard to unlearn everything just so you can understand the difference between what you believe and what you've been told/taught was true. i don't believe the way my parents do, not that i don't believe that there is something more then us that there is a life after death it's just that i'm not sure as a friend of mine put it, "how to quantify it." i was raised as the daughter of two pastors whom started out in baptist churches and moved on to non-denominational churches, i still believe parts of the whole that they gave me but there are things that are just not the same in my mind. faith is something everyone has, but not everyone puts they're faith in the same thing or for the same reasons or to the same extent. i'm trying to figure out how my faith "works" right now, and admittedly it's hard. i'm being stretched as never before and it's good and it's bad but it's something we all must work through, we all have to find our own heart and mind at some point in our lives, and some days it's easier than others but that life. that's what i'm learning, how to live and be myself, and not be ashamed of that person so much to hide her away from the world.
"And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"
-from Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls
I used to live my life by basically those words, and they're wrong, i have to let people see me so they can know me, no one is going to try to know you without you giving of yourself and trying to know them too. you don't have to tell them all your secrets you just have to be real with them and people will reach out to you and be there when you need to reach out to them. That's something i thought i'd learned i thought i knew how to do that but i only did it with my "mask" on so it didn't go the way i thought it would. i felt that i was supposed to be alone but that was just because i was easier there was no risk, it didn't take as much work. people can't live like that though. people need other people. that is the only fact i can hold true currently and that's enough for now, until i can find myself, my beliefs and all that makes me, me.
11:15:00 AM

All or Nothing
today i have realized something that most the time i either do something wholly and completely or not at all. sure there are those time i only half way do things but those don't come up as often. sometimes i wish i could half way do things, especially at work....i hate those days that all day i'm just trying to figure out how not to work...how to justify it or at least look like i'm working. they don't happen that often(as of late there have been more then usual) but they do happen. i enjoy working, it gives me something to do during the day that has a purpose and when a project is done you can have a sense of accomplishment. i'm a goal oriented person so that means a lot to me to finish something. maybe the realizations is just me wanting to be that way, or thinking that i'm that way i'm not sure nor am i sure if it's a good or a bad thing. then again maybe i just think to much. i over analyze the things in my life especially my self. most the time the analyzing helps, sometimes that's what talks me out of doing things though. silly me. i wish i could start lots of things over but i can't i'm trying and failing to accomplish silly little things like cleaning my house and keeping clothes clean and such. i can't even keep my bank account anymore, not up to date like i used to do. as always these are just ramblings but i felt they needed to be said so i stopped mulling over them. back to work
12:34:00 PM

So I've decided to post my life here.....
these are past post that i typed up without putting them up so here they are now...this is me being overly emotional....
so i had my sob session...i suck at this ya know. doing things i hate just don't work at least not well. i wish i knew what i could do. i wish i could handle things better. i'm just typing right now in hope that it will either motivate me to work or at least let me look/sound like i'm working on something. cause I don't feel like doing this stuff today. i'm stuck, my eyes hurt from the crying, my head hurts from the dullness, my throat hurts from the need to throw up but i'm still sitting here cause i need to. most of all though my heart hurts. stupid p1...
i don't think this one is getting done. in fact i think that it's going to have to be taged cause i can't stay here and get it done...cause i have to pick my fiancée up he has finals tonight...i'm batting a thousand with this job and i don't know what to do about it. i can stay here till 4:30 and get it done maybe but i can't do the catia on it i don't know how. i'm insufficient to do this. i'm so mad i failed and yeah it's my fault...i was crying about how bad i felt and didn't take care of this like i should have. :^( how weird is that. that i'm not blaming anyone but me for my mistakes...aren't i suppose too. i've started doing that though lately haven't i just calling myself on things i didn't used to, maybe i am doing better. maybe i'm growing. i hope that's what it is, that i'm learning, maturing. eh maybe i'm being hopeful but then again maybe this is just the start of the changing.
it was much simpler then...they still have it much simpler there with a group of core to support them in the trials by fire my trial by fire isn't going so well and i have no support because i have no church to go to here and i doubt i'll find one so nonjudgmental like the last one. i can't even contact the others anymore or i don't. i'm stagnant in someways not in others tough that i used to be. they saw me as strong and someone who looked at the brighter side of things. i don't and i'm not. i'm crumbling...
i hate feeling stuck. i hate feeling like i'm gonna cry every second...why do i always do this at work never home. well sometimes home but not as much. i'm not a drafter i'm something else maybe a teacher...i like teaching and helping people. i think i'm going to have to triple major haha...math, english, secondary education. did i mention those aren't the only things i want to study? i still want to by a physicist and a historian...that's why i love this character i'm playing in our DnD game. sociology,psychology, and history some of my favorite things....and i have many degrees just like i want to. ^.^ stupid body is sick too...icky
so i had my sob session...i suck at this ya know. doing things i hate just don't work at least not well. i wish i knew what i could do. i wish i could handle things better. i'm just typing right now in hope that it will either motivate me to work or at least let me look/sound like i'm working on something. cause I don't feel like doing this stuff today. i'm stuck, my eyes hurt from the crying, my head hurts from the dullness, my throat hurts from the need to throw up but i'm still sitting here cause i need to. most of all though my heart hurts. stupid p1...
i don't think this one is getting done. in fact i think that it's going to have to be taged cause i can't stay here and get it done...cause i have to pick my fiancée up he has finals tonight...i'm batting a thousand with this job and i don't know what to do about it. i can stay here till 4:30 and get it done maybe but i can't do the catia on it i don't know how. i'm insufficient to do this. i'm so mad i failed and yeah it's my fault...i was crying about how bad i felt and didn't take care of this like i should have. :^( how weird is that. that i'm not blaming anyone but me for my mistakes...aren't i suppose too. i've started doing that though lately haven't i just calling myself on things i didn't used to, maybe i am doing better. maybe i'm growing. i hope that's what it is, that i'm learning, maturing. eh maybe i'm being hopeful but then again maybe this is just the start of the changing.
it was much simpler then...they still have it much simpler there with a group of core to support them in the trials by fire my trial by fire isn't going so well and i have no support because i have no church to go to here and i doubt i'll find one so nonjudgmental like the last one. i can't even contact the others anymore or i don't. i'm stagnant in someways not in others tough that i used to be. they saw me as strong and someone who looked at the brighter side of things. i don't and i'm not. i'm crumbling...
i hate feeling stuck. i hate feeling like i'm gonna cry every second...why do i always do this at work never home. well sometimes home but not as much. i'm not a drafter i'm something else maybe a teacher...i like teaching and helping people. i think i'm going to have to triple major haha...math, english, secondary education. did i mention those aren't the only things i want to study? i still want to by a physicist and a historian...that's why i love this character i'm playing in our DnD game. sociology,psychology, and history some of my favorite things....and i have many degrees just like i want to. ^.^ stupid body is sick too...icky
i so need a grammar check or something for my above ramblings, half of them don't make sense, but this is why they are ramblings.
11:33:00 AM

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I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats