it's been a while
it's been busy lately. i haven't had time or didn't feel like writing. i've been doing a lot of things like going to my counselor and work(imagine that), and i've been reading. I just got done with the Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan, which was great by the way! I've also read Sir Authur Conally's The Lost World recently. I am currently reading Jules Verne's A Journey to the Center of the Earth. I have lots of books I plan to read in the comming months and years too! I guess the reason I'm talking about what i'm reading right now is because back home I couldn't have read or had the money for half the books i have now or want to read and own. My mom considered them "evil" or "a door way to evil", but if you really know the difference the only way they can lead to "darkness" is if you choose to let them. Besides I like walking on the not so sunny side of life. It more often then not proves to be quite entertaining. eh, we all have different opinions. one of the other things i've been doing lately is playing video games, most of which(besides Paper Mario) would be "bad" because of magic and the like. The myths that all our imaginations, especially some of the more horrific, thrives on and loves to adapt and embellish were the things that I could not explore or indulge. Somehow, that has made me have more of an appetite for those subjects. Of course considering modern psychology it's not really a surprise, it is a natural reaction. Though I would have thought I would have grown out of it once the hunger for knowledge was quenched, wouldn't you? I suppose it really just captivates me the intricacy of it all, the ability and fluidity it give the imagination just enthralls me. sometimes i think it's strange how i love the darkness so but then in thinking how i've been alone most of my life makes me think it's not so strange after all...
7:20:00 PM

I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats