Someone once sang love is a battlefield...this is not true for me it is my own mind that is my battlefield in which I wage wars against myself daily because, not to be cliché, I am my own worst enemy.


Pretty Little Liars Jaria FanFiction: The Kiss

Summary: Aria has not been able to keep Jason out of her thoughts.  Jason is suffering from the same affliction.  Just one decision, one kiss can change everything.

*written for Jaria Appreciation Week on tumblr*


update on breathing

After chain smoking four cigarettes in a row and having another two later then having a nice double shot of rum I feel better this morning.  Yesterday was just weird and rough.  I'm not all better by any means but I'm not about to start crying today and breathing is coming naturally for once.  I really shouldn't use my vices as crutches to help me through days like yesterday but I needed something to get me by while at work.  Ah well...


just breathe

I'm having one of my days where it feels like I would be better of dead.  I know that's not true but it's overwhelming.  I know I'm loved, I know it would hurt those I care for if I was gone but it's still painful.  I hate this.  I hate these days.  Even thinking about going to work today has me in an almost full blown panic attack.  I want to cry but I can't.  I want to scream but I won't.  I want to just curl up in a little ball and disappear but life doesn't work that way.  I'm stronger than this.  I will get passed today.  Right now it's suffocating though.  I don't want to scare anyone or make them thing something is really wrong.  There is nothing more then the usual stresses and though I'm having thoughts of death I  know I won't carry them through.  I'm just stuck in this feeling and struggling to overcome and breathe.  To just be and remember to breathe.  How do I breathe again?


Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

Jason DiLaurentis + Aria Montgomery
I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats