I'm currently having an epiphany How could a being that never changes create a race that evolves and grows and adapts? Why wouldn't that being be capable of the same thing? Couldn't he change what he wants what he is willing to let us have and do and be depending on how we change and grow? Is it possible that homosexuality is like (to quote Lamb by Chris Moore) bacon? In that book Joshua (Jesus to us English speaking idiots) finds that the laws that the Jewish people have been living by are changing that his Father had really given them the laws they had as a guide for that time but he was a catalyst to change everything the knew and believed. Is it possible that God could do that again? Not send his son to die for us, He's completed that part, but could it be time for us to stop living by the old guide lines again? As I look back at most (if not all I need to do research) of the law that the Jews lived by it was beneficial to their heath or way of living in some way. Is it possible that the rules start changing as we become capable of dealing, as a race...rather species, with what before we couldn't handle?
The only thing I think doesn't change is the Ten Commandments...when and where did that add in no same sex couples? I see God telling us not to follow any one but Him (jealous and possessive much....I think so but He admits it so whatever). He says not to use His name in vain...personally that sounds like "Don't call on me just to whine about shit". Next up we're told to take a day off....OMG we actually have to rest and let everyone else rest too. Holy crap! We're supposed to honor our parents, which makes sense cause we'll heck those people put a roof over your head and food on the table why wouldn't you show your appreciation. (If we were all taught this crap and lived by it maybe there wouldn't be people that can find exception to that.) Now, we get to the good stuff, no murdering, not adultery, no stealing, no lying about something you supposedly saw someone else do (fucking rumormongers), and no coveting. That's all, those ten thing and we're good, if it isn't in there I think it's subject to change as He sees fit.
I think the first five books of the Bible are the part we're supposed to live by and keep, the rest is there so we can know how stuff changed what brought us here to this point so that we can know that when things start to change again we'll know we can make it through, that this too shall pass. People aren't ready to here this yet, Christians may never be ready for this. I equate them to the Sanhedrin of Joshua's day, stuck to the rules and laws of the past because that's what we've done for the past thousand years so it should keep being true now. Wrong! As I've stated before we grow we change as a species we become more adaptive. Why don't we do it again, why don't we adapt and change to our new world? That sound blasphemous doesn't it? Isn't that what they said Joshua was? He was a revolutionary, a visionary. God had to send His son because well Joshua had to die as the final sacrifice for there to be a shift then and I think everyone else would have been too scared to make people make the shift to even suggest it would have been madness. John the Baptist did it though he prepared the way for Joshua to say "Fuck what those stuck up snobs have been telling you all your life and follow what I'm saying because change is coming." There were so many changes then too that it had to be someone really important for anyone to accept.
For years I've been hear that change is on the way and I don't think it means what all the "Faith" preachers have been thinking it means. I know that I've hit on the fact that this includes homosexuality a lot but its the main issue I really see changing right now I honestly believe that God has lifted that ban for this day and age. We're more equipped to handle the things that come with same sex couples now. The health and life complication that come with having that community including those who would over indulge. I don't think God ever condemned someone who was in the past to Hell by any means. I mean I'm sure not every Jew could resist the smell of Bacon all the time and He accepted them as long as they worshiped and loved Him. Our medicines and the knowledge we were gaining at the time helped them deal with the over indulgent gluttonous bastards so God said "Have a pig feast if ya like."
Heck, you don't even have to be a Jew since Joshua's time and I don't think God condemned all of those people who weren't Jewish before His son was here. Just like now I believe God doesn't condemn someone that has never read the Bible as long as they have some sense of Him and what is right and wrong (see ten commandments.) why should He?
The other issue that I believe needs to change is the science vs. religion debate. Fuck, people God gave us science so we could grow and learn and so He could change shit up on us. I'm about to break your brains: Evolution and Creationism can work together. We don't know what happened back then only what has happened since but we can see that we have become different from what we used to be. Our world and the way it works has changed just as it is now. The poles are shifting and the climates are changing. We don't know what animals God originally put here or what our original ancestors Adam and Eve looked like. They probably weren't human in the sense we think of humans except having a bone structure including ribs because that's all we know of them.
God originally created perfection, but maybe that was the first time He used Lucifer as a instrument of his plans. He was the first sacrifice that we know of in these phases that the world is supposed to go through. Come on people haven't you ever questioned how a being without free will suddenly defies his maker? And He couldn't let that sacrifice go unrewarded so he sent another third of his angels with Lucifer so he'd never be alone. Never was Lucifer's ability to make music taken away. He is a loving God after all why would He strip one who had given so much up for Him of everything. Evil had to be introduced into the world for Good to abound. There is no light without the darkness. Why would God have put the tree there in the first place if it wasn't just another catalyst to make the first shift humans would have to go through. We don't know how long they lived in that perfect garden or when the tree was created and grew within. All we know is that perfect world was changed and entropy and evolution began then in earnest. Eve didn't sin first Cain did, she was just the second catalyst in our history spurned on by our first. What was done though was against the law at the time though and had to be punished just like Lucifer before her, just like Joshua after them perhaps this is why he asked if he had been forsaken. By committing an act against God's never changing rules Cain "sinned" and is the original "sinner". First he coveted the love and gentleness Able had then he murdered him. Both acts are against the ten commandment, though they were not set in stone at the time I'm sure they were a work in progress for God. He probably had to watch and see what happened first and see where His boundaries lied before saying "No, you can't do these things ever, eventually I'll let you do these things."
God after all, I believe, is a scientist. He sets up, experiments, watches, sets controls, introduces new variables, and is very protective of His project. Ah, the meaning of life, we're on big science experiment for an infinite being. We're not the first, we won't be His last but I believe we are His favorite or He wouldn't have allowed Joshua to become one of us and to die just to be one of our catalyst if not. Joshua must have been very adventurous to want the human experience as well.
I find it interesting that one of the things that the ten commandments also doesn't address that we've heard Christians preach about time and time again is sex before marriage. I jump to this topic for two reasons. One, it goes along with my if we are physically (health wise) and socially (life style wise) capable of handling something, even when it's over indulged in, that was banned before God lifts said ban at some point and says "Have at." Secondly, (and another brain break is imminent here) Joshua was perfect, as in he never sinned, I believe that means he never broke one of the ten commandments. Saying that, Joshua could have had sex, been married, the whole shebang. Heck, and this is really gonna make your brain hurt, Joshua could have had a "gay" lover. I know, I know, now you have to burn me at the stake or something equally as awful but it stands to reason that he still would have been living a life without "sin" and have done these things. Just because they weren't written about at the time doesn't mean it didn't happen. In all likelihood it is just one of those things that we wouldn't have been able to handle it at the time. I mean come on, we can eat bacon, not be a Jew, count women as equals and God still loves us types of changes are happening at the time, though the women part takes a while to really set in, we're in change overload. No way we could have handled all of that. Obviously God keeps His secrets too but as the scientist controlling the whole thing I guess that makes sense.
I'm about to step on more then just Christian toes now, but couldn't have God have created many different religions and showed Himself to many different people in the way they would accept it. I think that statement goes back to what I said about God accepting people who hadn't read the Bible or who weren't Jews. The Jew just happened to be the people who could accept God head on without an image of what He looked like or who he was, they were the ones who could deal with the change when the catalyst of Joshua came along. He showed himself to other people as the spirits of the earth, through prophets (visionaries) like Gandhi, Muhammad, Confucius and so many more through out our histories, as our ancestors watching over us, and I'm sure there are other ways but all of them where how the people at the time could accept Him and would worship and love Him as He requires of all of us. The same restrictions apply to us all the Ten commandments are just the version I am familiar with I know that the core a base beliefs are all roughly the same in every religion though. They all basically boil down to this, love God and respect each other. What's so hard about that to understand?
I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats