Someone once sang love is a battlefield...this is not true for me it is my own mind that is my battlefield in which I wage wars against myself daily because, not to be cliché, I am my own worst enemy.


Johnny Cash - Hurt

Yes, the Man in Black did cover a Nine Inch Nails song and yes, he did make it his own.


Marilyn Manson - This is Halloween

Anime: Soul Eater
Song covered from Nightmare Before Christmas


Jason/Aria - I Wanna Be Bad

Song clip from I Wanna Be Bad by Willa Ford


too sleepy to write

i want to write but i'm too tired to really focus on anything.  i need my brain to do this.  i'm really frustrated by this because this is the first chance i've gotten in a few days to really work on this and i just can't.  all i can think about is going to sleep but i still need to stay up a while longer so i don't sleep too long and make myself even more tired.  gah, i hate not being able to do anything.

i can't think straight enough to even make a decision on whether or not to make my new story a one-shot or a multi-chapter fic.  i'm only really questioning it because the last portion is really long.   problem is the first part is short maybe i can call it a prologue and just use the other three instances as chapters.  really it all depends on how much i write on each.  having a really long one-shot isn't necessarily a bad thing.

i also need to copy down my last story into my notebook so that i have a corrected hard copy version.  i usually do a little editing during that process though so i think it would be best to leave that for a night when i'm not about to fall asleep at my keyboard.

just one random thought for the night.  i find it strange that i enjoy rereading the stories that i've written.  sometimes it almost feels as if someone else did it, i don't know how to explain that.  it's like my creative juices are flowing and during that time i'm in that scene with the characters and i'm thinking like them so i know the reactions and the moves they're going to make.  i guess that's what makes me want to read it over because afterwards now i'm seeing everything from an outside perspective.  i know it's strange and i'm weird. =p  tell me something i didn't know.
I have spread my dreams under your feet.
Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.
W. B. Yeats